2 thoughts on “Pozphobic Douche”

  1. It’s hard to be compassionate towards people who refuse to wear condoms, then, demand everyone’s sympathy and government research funding, taking billions of dollars from schools, veterans and the elderly, people who have, either, actually made POSITIVE contributions to society or would, given the right tools in their youth.

  2. “It’s hard to be compassionate towards people who refuse to wear condoms, then, demand everyone’s sympathy and government research funding, taking billions of dollars from schools, veterans and the elderly, people who have, either, actually made POSITIVE contributions to society or would, given the right tools in their youth.”

    What does that have to do with anything, even?


    I’m not sure why he’s majorly concerned about people “thinking with their dicks” on a hookup app which environment was meant for people to do just this.


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